from left: Soren [16], Q D [24], Sal [3], Yaz [11], Wafiau [82], Hj. Reduan, Mallie [9], maself [7], Ak. Wafi, Fitz (behind), Ihsan, RaEk [8] n Saiful (behind RaEky)..
i dun tink u all still remmber dis pic cos i dun but its reali nice 2c us wen we were still young..i tink Bets took dis pic,tanx Bets =) inda kerasahan huh? i stil cant believe dat we're slowly going to do our own thing, everyone's going their own way..i hope u all won't change (i mean in a good way? hehe payah kan d eksplanasikan)..when we're all in heaven one day (AMIN!!!), i'd wish dat we all can meet again n hang out, even just for awhile, it'd mean alot to all of us..damn eh,i wanna go back in time n make full use of ma young age again..sigh..i miss skipping classes in form 3&4(?) (musim CS), form 5 (musim pool, escape sama senior..haha),then in PU1&2 (musim pool jua n musim belesen..esehh!!).. nah kedapatan tia..sorie guys..those were wen we were notty! heheh remmber our ghost huntingSss? how many empty/haunted houses did we go?! haha i still remmber masa c Hadi pacah,masa arah dat flat in bandar,c Ros n Tubbies ada tu time atu,n c Daus,nda branti beckp ah..haha arah rumah c Ihsan lama lagi d Mata2,ada orangs stay d kreta saja (nda dpt d gtau namanya..hahha terasa? jk! :P)..we had lotsa fun times n dun forget d down times too cos dat wat made us closer ryt? heh..i reali cant wait til our next hang out or gathering or anything..one day wen we're old (insyaAllah,umur panjang,badan sehat n murah rezeki..AMIN!!), i hope we wont forget abt each other..plz jangan menghilang catu saja or inda mau menagur lagi, remind urself abt d fun tyms dat we used 2hav 2gether..sorie klau ke jiwa..haha im bored n its 9.45pm now..ive missed u all alot..sigh..take care ay? keep in touch..a'kum!
Bernazzz[7]th Minister signing off...pis daun!
~~dis is d way things need 2b~ sigh..btw,ada pap? karit kamu ani,nada pap terkini kah? esehh! hahha
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