aslm..does every1 agree if we buy this one? cos this is the only 1 with all the sizes..reply asap plz..tanx..sediakan tia $ tarus 4d jersey..also, plz calculate yourself if u want your jersey to have logo, number & name printed..we need to order soon..
and abt, Bernazzz team for BEG..we need to sort things out who's gonna play or who's willing to back out,or we can do the voting if we all cannot come to an agreement..klau dpt, tani mau Bernazzz ambil title champione this year..AMIN..i dont mind backing out,as long as we can get hold of the title..hehe nda bleh over konpaiden jua..mudahan jua manang..AMIN AMIN! mun mau manang, mesti practice, nda bleh malas! haha apakan..
ba pis out